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This is the first book written on clinical research and work related to the development of applied trauma psychology in Hong Kong. Contributed by numerous reputable researchers and clinicians, the book covers the latest research on and practice in assessment, psychological sequel (including psychological distress and growth of traumatic experience), evidence-based clinical intervention, and rehabilitation services for people affected by various traumatic stresses. Discussed in detail are interpersonal trauma like child sexual abuse and family violence, health and medical trauma such as infectious disease and the pain related to end of life, mass trauma and disaster including community psychological support programme developed in Hong Kong and Sichuan, as well as the rationale for mainstreaming trauma training in university education.
This book serves to strengthen the link between research and practice, and between academic work and community awareness. It is a guidebook for professionals serving the traumatized, academics dedicated to research and development of trauma psychology, students learning, and educators passing on the existing knowledge and experience accumulated for healing trauma.
Kitty K.Wu
Kitty K.Wu, a Senior Clinical Psychologist at Kwai Chung Hospital, is a founding member and the current President of the Asian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. She is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Psychological Society, the Chair of the Subcommittee for Accreditation of Clinical Placement for Clinical Psychology Training (2008 to present) and the Convenor of the Critical Incident Team (1993–1997 and 2000 to present) of the Division of Clinical Psychology, Hong Kong Psychological Society. Dr Wu has written six books on psychological health for the public and has various academic publications in international journals. She was an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and is an Honorary Associate Professor in the University of Hong Kong.
Catherine S. Tang
Catherine S. Tang is the Professor, Deputy Head, and Director of Clinical Psychology Programs in the Department of Psychology at the National University of Singapore. She is also an Adjunct Professor in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. An active researcher with over 300 academic publications — on topics such as violence against women, family violence, addictive behaviour, psychotherapy treatment outcome, and trauma psychology, she serves as the Associate Editor for Asian Journal of Social Psychology and a member of the Editorial Board for Sex Roles: A Journal of Research and Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being.
Eugenie Y. Leung
Eugenie Y. Leung is the Director of Counselling and Person Enrichment at the University of Hong Kong. Her past work experience as clinical psychologist was in correctional services in Hong Kong and Canada, and in the psychiatric outpatient clinic. She also taught courses on disaster and trauma in the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong. She was a co-leader in the Critical Incident Team and an active service provider in major local and regional disasters. As a newspaper columnist, she promoted public education actively via the mass media. Her professional interests include clinical depression, women’s mental health, and disaster management.
Acknowledgements vii
Editors and Contributors ix
Part I Introduction 1
1. Gateway to the Future 3
Kitty K. Wu, Catherine S. Tang and Eugenie Y. Leung
Part II Assessment and Intervention 13
2. Trauma Assessments Tools Validated in Hong Kong 15
Kitty K. Wu
3. Psychological Management of Trauma in the 21st Century: The Role of Cognitive Behavioral Approaches in Conceptualization and Treatment 35
Chee-wing Wong
4. Psychopharmacology for the Psychologically Traumatized Patients 51
Hung-kin Cheung
5. Resilience, Growth, and Distress After a Traumatic Experience 89
Samuel M. Y. Ho
Part III Interpersonal Trauma 105
6. Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse: A Public Health Approach 107
Frendi W. S. Li
7. Working with Familial Child Sexual Abuse: A Family-based Relational Approach 133
Ellen Yee-man Ma and Delphine Cheuk-wai Yau
8. Wounding and Being Wounded: Vulnerabilities, Emotional Injuries and Victimization of the Male Batterers ? A Qualitative, Collective Case Study 177
Chung-ming Chan
- ISBN:9789888028979
- 規格:平裝 / 396頁 / 16 x 23 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
- 出版地:香港
- 本書分類:>
身邊的小夥伴,都在說華為手機一天需要充幾次電,小編是一萬個不同意的!!只要你關閉下面幾個設置 ,手機就可以一天一充,接下來就帶各位一探究竟! ... 一、基礎操作 1.鎖屏清理 首先,你可以開啟鎖屏清理功能,這樣子,你在學習或者工作的時候,就不會總是有一堆彈窗,還特別省電。 步驟:開啟【設置】-【通知中心】,勾選【不顯示通知】即可。 ... 2.關閉軟體自啟動 如果你平時發現手機裡面有太多軟體自啟動,那麼不僅會導致耗電,還會導致卡頓的問題,所以最好還是關閉下面的設置。 步驟:開啟【設置】-【應用】-【應用啟動管理】,然後關閉【全部自動管理】。 ... 二、高級功能 1.一鍵省電 如果你還沒回到家,手機只剩下2%的電量,那麼光是後臺的應用,都足以把你的電量耗完,所以這個時候就可以開啟超級省電,限制無關電量的損耗。 步驟:開啟【手機管家】-【電池】,選擇【超級省電】即可。 ... 2.降低螢幕亮度 很多人都有誤解,覺得開啟自動亮度會更省電 ,但是事實上就是你白天在外的時候,手機螢幕會一直保持在最高亮度,不僅耗電,對眼睛也不好,所以最好還是將自動亮度關閉,然後將螢幕手動調節到比較舒適的亮度即可。 步驟:下拉【通知欄】-取消【自動】的勾選; ... 3.關閉GPU渲染 如果你開啟GPU渲染之後,手機的動畫過渡效果肯定槓桿的,耗電速度也是槓槓的,哈哈哈,皮一下很開心,所以最好還是將渲染關閉了好! 步驟:開啟【設置】-【系統】-【版本號】-【開發者選項】,關閉【強制進行GPU渲染】即可。 ... OK,以上就是一些華為手機省電方法的介紹啦,除此之外你還知道哪些好用的方法呢?歡迎留言區告訴我們哦!覺得文章不錯的小夥伴,也記得點讚、收藏和轉發,謝謝你們了呀!
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